Nuxt Global Components

Tree shaking and automatic imports...

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Nuxt 2.13 brought a few new features including full static builds, page crawlers, and global components. Now, we can place components that we want to use globally inside the components folder for use anywhere in the Nuxt app.

Vue global components

Global component registration has existed in Vue for awhile now but I have avoided it due to performance and pollution concerns. In Vue, if you make a component global, it will be available for every Vue instance and, even if you never use it, it will be included in your app build and increase your bundle size. To globally register a component in Vue, you can use the Vue.component() method.

Nuxt global components

With the recent Nuxt update you can now easily register components globally in Nuxt by including them in the components folder. Nuxt will automatically scan and import the components when you reference them inside the template on a page.

The Nuxt docs show how to enable global components in nuxt.config.js by setting the components option to true


export default {
  components: true

Note: While false is the default value for the components option, a new project created with create-nuxt-app will already have components set to true in the nuxt.config.js file.

Dynamic Imports

The components module makes it easy to take advantage of performance improvements like lazy-loading. To use lazy-loading for components, add a prefix of Lazy to your components when referencing them in the template section of the Vue file. For example, <MyComponent> would become <LazyMyComponent>.


Minimizing final bundle size is critical to reduce load times for web apps. Tree-shaking allows us to bundle only those features of a library we are actually using in our application. This is done by default in the components module for the components you include in the global components folder but, for external libraries, some additional work must be done for tree-shaking.

Luckily, the Nuxt Components module offers tree-shaking capabilities using the components:dir hook.

Imagine you have a UI components library named ui-library in node_modules that consists of components directory and a nuxt.js file and you want to use these components in your Nuxt app. In nuxt.js, you want to use the components:dir hook to add these components to the Nuxt app.


import { join } from "path";

export default function() {
  this.nuxt.hook("components:dirs", dirs => {
    // Add ./components directory to the components list
      path: join(__dirname, "components"),
      prefix: "awesome"

Then import the library as a dependency in nuxt.config.js


export default {
  buildModules: ["@nuxt/components", "ui-library/nuxt"]

Now, you can use the components in this library anywhere in your Nuxt app and when you build the app for production, only the components you actually use will be included in the build. Tree-shaking accomplished.


Nuxt Official Blog Post For The New Components Module Nuxt Components Module Nuxt 2.13.0 Release Notes